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Erik is an author, speaker, and consultant, but his path to his current career has three parts. In his first career, he managed a commodity trading firm for a major Chicago brokerage firm where he was the national sales leader, and traded on the floor of a Chicago commodity exchange. When his sons were born, Erik moved into his second career, teaching. He taught English, math, science, and civics over a twenty year career and coached numerous sports as well as debate and forensics. Erik was a teacher of the year in one of the nation’s most prestigious school districts.

Now in his third career, Erik brings his unique experiences to empower people of all ages to become competent, confident communicators. His consulting work focuses on how to improve oral communication. In his work with educators, he gives teachers a practical, proven way to improve the speaking skills of all students. Erik shares strategies for helping students create worthwhile messages including teaching good thinking (argument, persuasion, and reasoning), for helping students deliver their messages well, and for updating oral communication instruction with technology tools that can be incorporated in every classroom. In his work with business leaders and trainers, he shares a formula for making all adults more effective, engaging, and empowering speakers. Increased success with presentations, meetings, trainings, and wedding toasts result.
Erik is a frequent presenter and keynoter at conferences, and he has led workshops for schools, districts, universities, and Fortune 500 companies across the United States and around the world.
Erik lives in Denver, Colorado.  His educational background includes Southern Methodist University, Oberlin College (BA Government), the University of Denver College of Law, and the University of Colorado (MA Curriculum and Instruction). 
Erik is the author of these books:
Own Any Occasion (ATD Press, 2017)

Digitally Speaking: How to Improve Student Presentations with Technology (Stenhouse Publishers, 2012)
Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students (Stenhouse Publishers, 2011)

Follow his blog for educators here.

Follow his blog for business leaders and trainers here.
